
Category: Research

The 12 Most Abused Words in VC Pitch Decks

Pitch decks are a critical material in venture capital fundraising — but some words have become so overused by GPs that they’re starting to lose meaning. Here’s our take on the most abused words in VC pitch decks.

2020 State of Terms: Venture Capital Benchmark

An update to our 2018 State of Terms Report: LP minimums, hurdle rates, average management fees, portfolio construction, and more

One Year Later: How Venture Capital Markets Reacted to a Pandemic

With a year’s worth of data since the pandemic took hold, what affect did COVID really have on venture capital markets?

7 Venture Capital Trends of the Last Decade

With one of the most tumultuous years in the books, what impact did 2020 have on some of the biggest trends in venture capital — and what are the implications for the future of venture?

Capital per Partner: A Breakdown of VC Assets Under Management

How much venture capital does the typical GP manage in the U.S. and how does the industry standard vary by team size, fund number, and fund size?

Fundraising Cycle Compression: How frequently do VCs raise new funds?

Are VC firms fundraising more frequently than they used to? With the flood of big venture brands announcing the close of new funds this year, it certainly feels that way.  From Lightspeed and NEA to a16z, Insight, Greycroft, and Khosla -- it’s difficult to think of a major VC firm that didn’t announce or close [...]

16 DeepTech Investment Solutions: Tackling the Nation’s Challenges by Doubling Down on DeepTech

Society is facing a critical juncture due to decades of underinvestment in advanced technologies and DeepTech startups. This article presents 16 potential solutions that could jumpstart innovation, create millions of jobs, and help mitigate future crises.

The “Hidden” Capital of Venture Capital: A look at opportunity, SPV, and syndicate funds in US VC

Although less talked about, non-flagship funds (growth funds, SPVs, syndicates, etc.) are a significant source of capital for many VC firms — in this post, we take a detailed look at how these vehicles line up next to the flagship market, their relative prevalence, and the kinds of firms that tend to leverage each.

The Rise of ESG in Venture Capital

With climate and social justice concerns growing across the country, many investors have flocked to ESG & impact investing as a source of both social and financial returns — how have the venture capital markets responded?

Quantifying Mindshare in Venture Capital: Media and PR Activity of VCs

Media attention undoubtedly influences the perception of the venture capital industry, but how representative is this coverage of the VCs actually making investments? New data explores overrepresentation in venture capital media coverage & the distorted perception it creates.